Category: news

Jennifer Lee wins first place in Best Art Award Jennifer Lee has been making waves on the international stage lately. Last month, she was the runner-up in the 2nd Nature international art competition organized by Galerie Terravarna, and this month, she was named Artist of the Month (February 2024) by Galerie Ring and won first place in the flower category …

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Category: news

Jennifer Lee’s international career continues to take off, and she’s been honored with several awards. Following her recent Talent Award at The ‘7th FLOWER’ International Art Competition, organized by TERAVARVA gallery in the United States, Artnews is pleased to announce that Jennifer Lee has been selected as the ‘November 2023 Artist of the Month’ by Artjobs (, a UK-based recruitment …

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Category: none

Autumn vibe

I am the breeze that brushes through your hairs,and a fragment of your memory. I will stay in your memories for a while.So that someday,when you contemplate while watching the sunset,you can remember me. We are fading memories of someone,disappearing recollections.As if my father,who used to lift a young me onto his shouldersand whistle, is no longer here… I too …

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Category: performance

I see you

On February 18, 2023, Jennifer Lee hosted a collaboration exhibition with her 7-year-old daughter Dahye. Jennifer exhibited her 2022 oil painting ‘I see you’, and Dahye played Piazolla’s Libertango on the piano. Dahye was born in August 2015 as a 1.2kg premature baby, one of twin sister. Her twin elder sister Inhye was 812 grams premature and left us after …

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Category: Artist statement


Welcome to the world of Jennifer’s works. Everything that exists leaves a trace, and I strive to express it. Specifically, everything I see is imprinted with colors and shapes through light, leaving behind traces of memories. Rather than leaving those traces as vague memories or colorless, meaningless remnants in the blurred memories or subconscious, I pick up a brush and …

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